Thursday, 22 January 2015

Day 8: If you could have job in the world, what would it be?


Day 8: If you could have job in the world, what would it be?

Lewl. Honestly, kalau aku tak consider real-life survival issues *sigh*, aku nak jadi artist. Yes, really. An artist. The painter. Boleh create art every day. Tapi, kalau ikut zaman aku dulu (zaman sekolah rendah lagi) aku dah ada cita-cita ni. My Mak just gave me a verbal slap to real life. HewHewHew. Betul lah ckp dia, zaman tu, artist memang tak boleh survive kt Malaysia, unless kau ready nak hidup susah and be happy creating arts semata-mata. Kartunis Lat is one of the Legend kt Malaysia yang menaikkan nama-nama local artist. Then, slowly local artists emerged as I went to sekolah menengah. Now, artist kat Malaysia gempak-gempak. Jealous meh. Face it Ira. They took the risk. You didn't. HaHaHaHa. *long sigh*

Moving On...

I should explain why right..Kawan-kawan aku ckp aku ada bakat melukis. 'Bakat' ni bagi aku merely adalah skill. Skill boleh improve depends on betapa rajinnya kita practice. *serious*

Platform bagi aku sebagai self-taught artist start masa darjah empat kot. Time tu dlm kelas 50 org murid. Aku duduk baris kedua dari belakang kelas, buku conteng bawah meja. *Paham-paham lah Markonah* Time tu, aku rajin gila ambil request art dari kawan-kawan. Zaman 90-an tu yang paling hot are Sailormoon, Power Rangers, Dragon Balls, Digimon, Pokemon, Princess Disney. Pantang orang minta lukiskan, cepat je aku buka buku conteng lukiskan untuk dorg. Time tu baru la belajar untuk emphasize certain part yg essential dlm karakter untuk bagi nampak mcm kartun tu kan..Ye la, sebab nak bagi 100% sama. Pfft! Memang tak lah...HaHaHa. You see, basic bagi beginner artist adalah imitation or peniruan. Orang ckp, imitation is the highest degree of flattery. Agreed. Bila org tiru kau, be proud man.. Sebab kau lah trend setter. Try tiru one simple drawing then proceed to more complicated one. Slowly, belajar sketch sendiri. Kalau kita jenis prefer belajar melalui visual, it will be easier. 

Aku imitate this one from drawing 'The White Peacock'.
The original artist buat drawing ni pakai media watercolour with brushes and everything.

Example of my finished imitation from another drawing.
Bezanya imitation aku, aku tambah lolipop and media pakai coloured pencils je.
Ingat lagi aku sibuk melukis art ni time praktikum. HaHaHa. Stress.

Another imitation from digital art 'Match Girl'.

The end result of my drawing. Still sangat rough.

Being an artist ni org kata, hidup in their own universe/dunia diorang sendiri. Betul. Orang seni mmg pemikiran dia lain sikit. Berdasarkan orang-orang yang aku pernah jumpa. Orang seni ni most of the time, jenis laid-back tp kalau betul-betul suka apa dia buat, boleh jadi perfectionist gila. Bagi aku personally, grade, pointers, lecturers and benda-benda formal bagi aku..Meh..Mcm benda-benda tak penting pun dlm hidup aku. As long as buat. Totally different from kawan-kawan aku yang pandang benda-benda tu as something huge. Benda hidup mati bagi diorang. Sampai stress-stress bagai. Ada yang tikam belakang kawan for grades! WTH. Come on people. Life is so much more than that. Bagi aku, benda-benda tu just persinggahan je. Just one small chapter dlm hidup. Sama lah mcm dpt A dalam karangan time sekolah Menengah. Happy lah dalam seminggu dua. The next month, who cares..Lewl. Since then, aku stop pressuring myself and focus on searching other things in life. Building myself. In terms of ilmu agama, drawing skills, music skills (which is in my case very limited. Tone Deaf kot. HaHa)


  1. awk pndai melukis! comell sgt laa..

  2. Aigoo..Terima kasih bnyk. Still sgt kasar sketch sy.. bnyk lg kne bljr. :)
